Atom is stated as the hackable editor for the 21st century. Unlike other editors such as vim, ed, vi or nano; atom cannot be run in the terminal.

There are loads of cool packages that you can download for atom, such as ‘git-control’ - see gif below, ‘color picker’ - allows you to easily change the hex code, ‘minimap’ - A preview of the full source code to name a few. Can’t find the package that you need/want, just go ahead and create it.

git-control in action

There are loads of syntax and UI themes for you to download to make your Atom more personal to you. Again if you don’t like any of the presets/ones available to download you can also create your own. Also, as you can see in the screenshot below you are able to edit any of the packages/themes you download allowing you to make atom more personal.

Atom in action

For more information about how wonderful Atom is or to download this amazing editor please click the link and scroll down to the read me at the bottom.

Getting Started

There haven't been any getting started tutorials written for this yet! Have you had any experience with this language before? If so how about getting involved and help us fix this by contributing a guide for others to follow!


There haven't been any tutorials written for this yet! Have you had any experience with language before? If so how about getting involved and help us fix this by contributing a guide for others to follow!