Code Club is fun

Code club is a place where like minded people who are passionate about programming can get together, hang out and work on whatever project that takes their fancy whether it be as part of a team or solo.
However it's also just a great place to spend your early Wednesday evening, spending time with those who share your interests with plenty of laughs, jokes and games to be had.
See for yourself check out some of our session highlights here or check out this post for examples on what can happen during a normal session!
Code Club is informative

However Code Club isn't just a great place to hang out, it's also a good opportunity to learn something new and develop your skills!
We run semi regular workshops which are a great 30 minute introduction into all sorts of topics, from the basics of the command line to building web applications with Django!
We also have a blog where you can find articles written by our members, anything from general code club news to building mobile apps with python and kivy.
Can't find what you're looking for on the blog? Well check out our reference section. In there we have language and programming tool overviews, everything you need to get on your next project!
But perhaps most important of all...
Code Club is what you make it!

Code Club is made by its members for its members, if nobody showed up then it would be a very sad place indeed. That's why we need you! Get involved, write a blog post, submit a theme for the website or even just show up!
There will always be someone around willing to help you get started, so don't worry about being stuck. The atmosphere is always light hearted and sharing experiences is all part of the fun. If you are a seasoned veteran or have never written a line of code in your life, I promise you, there's a place here for you at code club.