We write blog posts for the website in markdown, this means that we can also use HTML tags when needed.

Name of blog post This should be in the form: year-month-day-title-of-blog-post.md. So for this blog post it would be: 2015-11-10-how-to-make-a-blog-post.md.

How to insert a picture First save the picture that you want to insert into the res/blog_pics folder. Then go to the point in your post that you want the picture to be and use the following code:

![Add Alt-text here](/res/blog_pics/name-of-your-pic.jpg)

So for example if I wanted to put in my picture called WHERE-IS-EVERYONE-pic4 with the Alt-text being Maybe they are behind the screen? then all I do is type:

![Maybe they are behind the screen?](/res/blog_pics/WHERE-IS-EVERYONE-pic4.jpg)

And this will come out as: Maybe they are behind the screen?

How to insert a video from youtube Go to the video you want to insert on youtube and click on the share button. Click on the embed button and copy the link. then using the code below:

<div class="video">
        paste the link here

You can embed the video into your post. For example, if I wanted to embed the video of Vince’s talk on Axlerod below then I would type:

<div class="video">
        <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gbxv3pn9YB4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and it would come out like:

Highlighting code in a post If you want to highlight just one line of code then you can encase the line in single back-ticks like and it would come out like this: type code here.

If you wanted to highlight several lines of code and also have syntax highlighting then you have triple back-ticks.

We do it like this (ignore the \ at the beginning of the triple back-ticks):

Put the code here.

For example, if I wanted to input the code from Q1 of the 2015/16 Computing for Mathematics class test, I would type (again ignoring the \ before the triple back-ticks):

def mysqrt(K, epsilon=.001):
    X = K / 4.0
    while abs(X ** 2 - K) > epsilon:
        X = (X + K / X) / 2
    return X

for n in range(1, 10001):  # A loop to test a bunch of values
    approx = mysqrt(n)
    true = n ** .5
    print approx, true, approx - true  # Printing the 3 results

And in a blog it would look like:

def mysqrt(K, epsilon=.001):
    X = K / 4.0
    while abs(X ** 2 - K) > epsilon:
        X = (X + K / X) / 2
    return X

for n in range(1, 10001):  # A loop to test a bunch of values
    approx = mysqrt(n)
    true = n ** .5
    print approx, true, approx - true  # Printing the 3 results

How to add a hyper link to your blog If I wanted to put a hyper link into my blog at a certain point and link it to the phrase yes we code, then I would simply write:

[yes we code][example]

instead of just ‘yes we code’. And at the bottom of the page you would write:

[example]: link to website/article you want to look at

So for example if I wanted to attach a link to an article about notorious DDOS attacks here then I would do this.